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Old 08-07-2004, 04:24 PM   #34
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NOT SURE THE BEST way to reply to all the feed back on this truck so i'll just start here on the bottom,thanks for the comments and's not straight and rust free the d door is using the front fender as a door stop or maybe it's a modification for a real big fireman.i found some day light in the cab looking for that build sheet no luck.i did find the oweners manual, owner protection plan, new vehicle warranty booklet,western plow manual [1985].no data in glove box. the title says the village bought it 7/15/1968. delivered purchase price 2871.00 and they did'nt have to pay tax. short term plans are to get it on an off the road, i need to pull a trailer, close to home stuff, fire wood lumber etc. i'll try to keep it out of the salt, that might be hard to do with that plow sitting there ! red and blue front hub knobs? good eye witch one is the ford? yes i'm going to want a service manual soon. i think it needs a clutch,does the transfer case have to be dropped toget the 4 speed out? no pto they must of used a 12 volt pump,i found a good size cable cut off in the back under the bed and a seperate fuse box mounted on the fender well.
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