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Old 12-10-2022, 12:49 PM   #1
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Rear Parking Brake Cable Bracket -- Left/Driver?

Does anyone know where I can one? I don't see them repro'd. This is for a 1975 2wd c15 (Gentleman Jim).

I bought two NOS brackets, with different GM part no. stickers on them (6272301 and 6272302) but they are identical! Both are for the right/passenger side.

Here are photos of what I have -- I need the driver side :-)

The way the brackets mount, they go under the frame, with the 2 rivet holes to the outside, and with the cable hole to the inside and forward of the rivets.

If I try to use these on the driver side, the rear PB cable would be too far back or outside the frame.
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