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Old 12-12-2022, 08:02 AM   #6
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Re: New purchase, lots of unknown

hi,your truck had 402 big block called a "400" and a turbo 400 originally.there was a small block 400 but not in these trucks.your 468 is a .060 over 454.i usually go hunt for the dates cast in the castings if i don't know what i'm working on,for no other reason than to at least hone in on what year the engine is.the date codes will be on the bellhousing flange on the back of the block,just to the right of center if you were standing behind the engine.dates are on a stock intake,in the cylinder heads,they're all over the place if you go example of a date,like on the back of my 402 is E 24 71 . that's 5th month,E so May 24 1971 is when my block was made.
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