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Old 12-13-2022, 03:17 PM   #9
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Re: Sequence of door repair panels

Originally Posted by Pick121 View Post
Wow and I thought mine were bad! There is always someone can outdo you haha. SKinnyG does great work and can watch on YouTube too.
And ditto what Christian said, and make sure your bottom drain slots are clear so any water that does get in there (like from window sills) will drain out. Somebody in 50 years will thank you!
Yeah, the truck was owned by a couple different railroads before I bought it, I drove it another 7 years, and it has either 247k or 347k miles on it. All the lower body parts are really salt-eaten, and the trailing arms are like balsa wood. But whatever undercoating they had back then (probably not allowed to use that stuff today) was awesome, the frame itself is great and there are places I'm scraping undercoating off and finding metal under it exactly as it left the factory.
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