Thread: disk brakes
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Old 12-14-2022, 02:29 PM   #6
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Re: disk brakes

Stock wheels won't clear the calipers unless you run spacers- make sure you press in longer studs for enough thread engagement if you want to run the minimal thickness slip on spacer needed to clear- roughly 3/8" but double check your setup.

Or you can run a 1.25" bolt on spacer to move the wheel out without needing longer studs. As narrow as the stock rear axle is, only spacing the front out that far makes it look weird.

A third option is to find 70's/80's six lug hubcab wheels that have a the correct inner barrel profile to clear calipers.

Here's a guide to hubcap wheel styles, it shows the difference in inner barrel styles- 45* angled for drums, or 90* stepped to clear calipers.

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