Originally Posted by delosh
For ground straps, there is: - 4 gauge from battery - to block (water pump bolt)
- 4 gauge from battery - to inner fender, same bolt as OEM braided strap to frame
- 1 gauge from starter - to frame
- OEM braided strap from firewall to valve cover bolt
Here's a couple of suggestions. I have my truck grounded with this and the grounds have no paint or anything hindering their grounding abilities;
1. Battery to frame
2, The starter is also grounded to the frame.
3. A ground strap off of each cylinder head.
4. Cab to frame
5. Bed to frame.
I use inch wide braided grounding straps. While the grounds may not be your issue, I suspect that one ground you have coming off the valve cover really isn't doing much. The valve cover has a gasket under it and it appears the valve cover is also painted.