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Old 12-26-2022, 03:03 PM   #27
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Re: 66 c10 engine upgrades

[QUOTE=Chevy nutcase;9135634]My 66 c10 with its bone stock 250 runs fine but I think I can get more out of it. One thing I'd like to upgrade is the points ignition. I was wondering if a pertronix kit to replace my distributors guts is a good option or if just switching to a modern HEI distributor is the preferred method. Another component in question is the carb. Again it works fine but takes forever to warm up so I was considering a new carb and offy intake but again this is foreign territory to me as for what cfm the motor can handle. Love to hear your opinions on the matter[/Q Hello ,Ive got a 65 with a 230 in it i love the motor but couldnt get out of its own way.First i would do hei over pertonix ive used both and prefer the hei ( big difference in start up , mpg) second 0ffenhauser intake or clifford which i run and a holley 390.If you plan to bolt on headers go with the clifford,10 degreees intial timing and 28 advance and you will have a great running truck
65c10 43,000 original miles ,230 stovebolt,powerglide,3" drop spidles 3" drop springs w/ half coil cut and 5 drop springs in back with 1 1/2 blocks... c notch soon to add hei offy 4 v intake and holley 390
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