Thread: 55.2-59 Console Manual shifter
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Old 01-05-2023, 07:07 PM   #6
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Re: Console Manual shifter

Thanks for the Happy Birthday today

I did not say at the start, but I want the console to butt up to the under dash valance just to be clear on that. my bad. also the under dash valance is 14" off the floor with a FLAT trans. cover.

The ball is 14-1/2" off the floor.
At 7" off the floor the stick moves 2-1/8" left to right with reverse, and 5-1/2" front to back. That is outside the stick.
With me setting in the seat the shifter ball is at the bottom of my knee and 1or 2" to the right in 2nd gear, I need to put a wedge where the stick bolts to the shifter to give me another 1" or so.

The right edge of the gas pedal it 5-1/2" from the center of the Trans. cover, so my console can only be 8 to 9" wide at the floor.
I can see that my console needs/could have a hour glass look in some places.
14" wide at the Valance

Last edited by MD2020; 01-05-2023 at 07:13 PM.
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