Thread: 55.2-59 Console Manual shifter
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Old 01-06-2023, 10:39 AM   #8
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Re: Console Manual shifter

I'm in the '48 camp. get a shifter installed that is comfortable and easy to find in the dark and one that anybody could figure out. install that and set it up so it works flawlessly. then go about building a console around that and other parameters, like accel pedal footroom, armrest height, cup holders, storage areas etc. you can make a screen mold and then cover that in fiberglass if you have a bunch of weird shapes needed to fit around stuff, then cover that in something of your choice, be it padding with vinyl or leather or simply painted or gelcoated like a boat. best to get the mechanics of it right THEN worry about the aesthetics. you could also tour the junk yards for something that may work but will likely find they are almost always for an automatic trans.
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