Thread: 55.2-59 Console Manual shifter
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Old 01-08-2023, 12:55 PM   #12
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Re: Console Manual shifter

How does your new linkage move the shiftlinkage from side to side? just by being stiff and precise?
Would just bending the shift lever to the right solve the clearance to knee issue?

I actually like the A profile best, it is more shapely, B is too boxy but to each his own.

Have you considered a cable shifter? Get a shifter box off an Audi or something to mount on the console, then modify the trans end to shift the hurst shifter on top of the trans. One cable back and forth, one side to side. It would not be simpler than what you propose but it would let you put the shifter lever where you want it and build whatever shift throw you liked.
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