Thread: 47-55.1 1948 3600 need ideas
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Old 01-14-2023, 11:47 PM   #6
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Re: 1948 3600 need ideas

yep, I'm with LG. if you just wanna local driver and you have an S10 then swap in the S10 engine and trans and go with that fr power. you could use the rear axle for a better ratio as well, up to you because it won't have the same wheel bolt pattern. if you wanna keep the solid axle make sure you check it out well before you spend money on it. sometimes the kingpin hole is worn out so the new kingpin will always be a little sloppy even with new bushings etc. maybe you could find a 1/2 ton axle that has what you want and is in good shape. lots of guys rebuild them, drive them for a bit and decide to upgrade to IFS. other that rat rod guys there really isn't much call for the old axle so there are deals to find if you put the word out. a power steering upgrade revolves around if you will stay with a solid axle or not. I totally agree that a dual system brake master cylinder is a must these days along with all new brake lines and hoses. again, check what you have thoroughly and go from there. no use throwing good money on something that you will grow tired of right away.
do a thorough once over on the whole truck, from bumper to bumper. make a list of what it needs. do a feasability study on costs a couple of different ways, then decide. don't go hog wild and strip the whole thing down because thats what kills a project-it becomes overwhelming and you can't decide where to start. also, don't go buying stuff for it until you need that stuff. lots of build have new wheels and tires, stereo systems, seats etc, but the truck is still totally stripped so years down the road, when it is done, the tires are new but not safe, the wheels are out of vogue and sometimes the project was simly sold for a loss due to lack of interest after being overwhelmed with the whole thing or no budget to finish.
just saying, unless you have done a couple of builds, start with small things that make a difference and go from there. after you find out what it needs overall.
body parts needed-fenders, doors, hood, box parts, cab parts, weather seals, glass, rubber parts,
driveline parts needed-engine-trans-rear axle-radiator
frame parts needed
suspension parts needed
brake parts needed
steering parts needed
interior parts needed
wiring parts needed
tools need to do the repairs
space to do the work
time away from family-if related
steering column parts

sometimes its a good idea to check out the patch panels available for your truck and payu attention to those areas on YOUR truck because they don't make patch panels for the heck of it. it's because there is a need big enough to merit the money spent on building the parts. same for all the other stuff a vendor may have in the catalogue
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