Originally Posted by special-K
I got a DUI in '00 at 45 years old. When I was being questioned at my first appointment she asked if this was my first DUI and I answered "No". She looked confused since she had read over my record with no prior DUI showing. She asked if I was sure and I said, "I'm sure this isn't my first. It's my last". At the end of the interview I told her I understood there is a whole process I have to go through, same as everyone else, because of what I was arrested for. But I don't need to be treated as someone with a drinking problem. I drove 29 years with no DUI, so either I don't have a drinking problem or I'm really good at driving drunk  . What else can I say? I learned my lesson.
sounds like my impaired...cop says you been drinking and driving...i'm like no sir, i was drinking then went driving...lucky he had a sense of humor, but mind ya, back in the '80's a dui was just looked at a lot like a speeding ticket.
must be cv week for me. wife comes home yesterday with a cv clanging on her envoy. after what happened with the stepper cv, i went to the parts store and paid more than online, but who cares...tried to save a few bucks with my truck and it bit me in the a$$ royally. my son is getting more practical experience working on our junk than he does at work..lol
will admit, is nice having the young, strong arms to crack some of these bolts and do the grunt work..