Thread: 1977 K20 Build
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Old 01-21-2023, 05:18 PM   #1
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1977 K20 Build

Hi guys, it's been a LONG time since I've posted on this forum or even worked on squarebodies. Back in my high school & early college years, I was working on my Dad's old farm truck (1980 Chevy K20) that hadn't been used for years. Made a lot of progress but it more or less has been sitting in a shed for the last ~6 years now. The thread for that truck can be found here. I moved, got a job, got married, had a kid, etc. etc. In summary, I've been busy! Finally have a place of my own now and after settling down, was ready to get back into squarebodies!

This winter, I purchased a 1977 Chevy K20! This truck is a MUCH better base for a restoration as the cab has already been rust repaired and painted. Came with brand new doors (not sure on brand) and OEM GM fenders with the original box intact. No engine, transmission, transfer case or box so I will be using my 1980 as the donor for those parts.

Here are some pictures picking it up and getting it into the garage.

This is picking it up at the guys place, very jealous of his shop!

Pulling up to the house.

Unloaded. Truck had working brakes thankfully. Had the wife sit inside while I pushed. Was worried that it wouldn't clear my garage door but we got er done.

And here it is in the garage.

Got some car dollys so I can move it around easily. My Silverado got booted out of the garage and gets to sit outside in the cold now...

Picture of the interior, great condition!

More progress to come!
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