Thread: 47-55.1 battery question
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Old 01-24-2023, 10:35 AM   #10
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Re: battery question

I've always subscribed to the thing dsraven said: shut off the boosting vehicle before trying to start the boosted. Most people I see boosting leave it running including tow trucks and I've always wondered if the risk was real, has anyone blown an alternator giving a boost?

When I boost strangers I always ask why they need a boost and make it clear that I decide how much boost they get, that I will stop before draining (deep cycling) my own battery. Usually I make that a simple message - you get 2 tries.

And watch for the size of the spark when you connect - you get a big spark they probably have a battery that is dead shorted inside and you may just drain your own battery trying to charge them for 2 minutes
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