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Old 01-31-2023, 10:23 AM   #6
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Re: Steering shaft clearance question

I would rethink the whole process possibly with a different set of headers or a custom built set. like someone else said, thats a lot of built in failure spots. its also a reason why the steering may turn out to be kinda not smooth, I mean, u joints work to change the angle of a shaft but they also speed up and slow down 4 times for each rev of the shaft. with that many joints the wheel may not turn the shaft equally smooth.
if you use the system as you have it laid out on the floor, note you have one u joint out of phase. its the last one in the pic on the right hand side. that will cause an issue unless you get it in phase with the other end of the shaft it is attached to
for u joint info with a demo check out you tubes
driveshaft angle and phasing by macs motor city garage
this one shows you what I mean about u joints changing the velocity of the shaft and also how phasing works
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