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Old 02-05-2023, 08:40 PM   #22
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Re: Two Steps back. My high school chevy 1950 3100

I got the cab back from the body guy after I gave up on doing the work myself.
The guy had may cab for way over a year and took almost $4,000 to do metal work on the sucker.
Well, I ****ing hated how it turned out.

The bead roll in the firewall he did was pinched in the transition spots. But the worst thing is it was lopsided. It droops to one side. Garbage.
I'm sure some will say "it's not that bad" but that's not the point. It clearly there and one of the things this person was hired to address.
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This is an example of how much Bondo was on the door jam before. I wont fault my metal guy for leaving the vin there. I get the issues that presents.
Attachment 2256846

Hey wait mister metal man, weren't you supposed to fix this gaping whole in my kick panel? I guess not.
Attachment 2256847

Well screw it. I might as well move along with the rough assembly of my truck as I fume and brood over this disaster.
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There are other major issues too. included continued use of excessive bondo used to cover some cover panels he slapped on.

You might ask why I took delivery of the cab like this and the answer it he had it for so long. I was no longer willing to deal with the situation. I just wanted my cab back and wash my hands of this chapter of the build experience. I paid him in full. Threw my cab onto my little utility trailer and went home with my tail between my legs.
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Check out my build

1950 Chevy 3100. S10 chassis

Last edited by Rickysnickers; 02-06-2023 at 10:58 AM.
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