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Old 02-07-2023, 03:59 PM   #6
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Re: 69-70 grill differences (again)

Originally Posted by ckhd View Post
OK, now I have two vehicles that I know have the factory grills. My '69 and my brother's '70. Here is the differences:

Here is a closeup of a factory 69 grill between the marker lights and headlights:

Here is the factory 70:

the other side, 69:

The other side 70:

The egg-crate part, 69:

The egg-crate part, 70:

A closer look at the 'lines' in the '70:

As it is plain to see, 69 grills have lines out to the bezel, and a solid patterned egg-crate behind (in gray).

70s have lines that end just past the marker light and the egg crate has the same basic pattern, but there are recesses that don't get chrome, that give the appearance of 'lines' in the grill. The chrome bezels on the '70 are factory too.

Both of these pickups were made in Freemont, CA.
Ok I know this is reviving the dead yet again, long dead thread apparently, and beating a long dead horse as well I'm sure. But, based on the info in this post, even though the linked pictures are long gone, should I assume my grill is factory? and should or should not the bezels be black? with the image sized it may be harder to see, but lines do not go to the bezels, but they do go slightly beyond the marker lights.
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Last edited by wrangler94; 02-07-2023 at 04:04 PM. Reason: more details
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