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Old 02-14-2023, 03:45 AM   #23
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Join Date: Jul 2021
Location: Sandy, Oregon
Posts: 37
Re: 1972...ish C10 - Finishing What They Started

I continued to drive the truck as it was through high school. It helped me get my high school girlfriend and was the vehicle of choice for every date night and weekend cruise.

I eventually went off to college, only able to drive my truck once every month or two. Besides trading wheels for some wider corvette rallies on cooper cobra tires, not much changed until the summer of 2020 when I decided I was tired of looking at all the grease and surface rust underneath. Not to mention the 3/5 drop from 2015 on stock geometry shocks that were probably blown by now, 50 year old wiring, and brake likes that were likely not flowing like they should. It was time for a rebuild.
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