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Old 02-19-2023, 12:25 PM   #10
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Re: Got my Grandpa's truck back after 25 years - advice?

Originally Posted by special-K View Post
Welcome to the board! I'd go over the steering and brakes. Not go through, just give it all a good inspection and then see what needs gone through. Sounds like the next owner treated it well. As far as the steering box goes, if you decide to replace it due to being worn out, I have a manual box from a low mile truck you can have for cost of shipping. Manual boxes aren't that heavy. I love this story you have going here (not over yet, right?) and would love to help in that way. Nice looking truck!

* And if you could work on a Triumph this Chevy will be a cinch
That is very kind of you! It's got 145k miles, so it's probably time. All of the slop appears to be south of the steering shaft, but I don't know exactly how to assess it from there. I did buy the factory service manuals, so I'll have a look at those and see if I can more accurately diagnose. I'd hate to take a part out of circulation if it's not needed. If there is a quick way to know for sure, I'm all ears.
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