Thread: 47-59 51 5 window dump truck
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Old 03-03-2023, 10:55 PM   #21
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Re: 51 5 window dump truck

if youu look up the thread by bbeep he uses some big trquck fenders on his trailblazer frame swapped AD suburban. he explains the differences in the fender height and length as well as the hood. I think he grafted 1/2 ton fenders together with the big truck fenders to get the wheel opening size he needed and also the height, since the big fendered hood is longer but not as tall due to taller fenders.
the pto is an unknown because the gears on the pto need to match te
he gears on the countershaft of the trans. the bolt pattern may be the same but you gotta know about the gears too. as Leegreen says, it is really hard to know if the hydraulic lift would be any good because of the points noted. most of thw time the farmer would do as much work himself as he could to save money, that means it could be done right or just done to the best of the farmers abilities, budget, time he had to do the job between farm chores and parts available. you really gotta see it up close and unload all the pivot points etc so you can see what you have.
if you like the truck, have the budget, know of an available donor truck with a good driveline or are not afraid to spend some momey on one, have the space to store parts after everything is taken apart, have the shop space required to do the work, and an understanding spouse (if applicable) then make the dude an offer and see where it goes. te
the frames are really quite straight on these trucks so you could use the existing cab, frame, body etc and install an updated rear axle, engine, transmission, power steering and brakes etc. it may cost a few bucks to do that, especially if you do it a part at a time vs buying a donor with as much stuff as you need already there for the picking. if you want a big truck that can haul, then look for a donor with the same kinda GVW so you can get the axle, brakes, trans and engine that is suited for that need.
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