Thread: 47-59 radiator needed
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Old 03-06-2023, 09:11 PM   #7
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Re: radiator needed

Originally Posted by mr48chev View Post
Champion was one of if not the first low buck aluminum radiator outfit around and has been around for a long time.

Years after buying the radiator I have I am seeing reviews about the company that aren't great so I am not going to recommend it at least until I have run it for a while.

Not inexpensive but made to order in Alabama are the Brice Thomas radiators who are part of the same company that owns US radiator.

US radiators has a batch of options to sort through.

The only place in the area that recores radaitors now that I know of is Weber's on South third avenue. They are always swamped doing big truck and heavy equipment radiators though. Still there is no cost saving by having one recored anymore either.
Mr48chevy, We have a place in The Dalles Oregon that will recore a radiator. He has the shop at his house out in a barn, it is an environmental disaster. there is probably 6" of lead solder all over the floor, but he does good work
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