Originally Posted by hogfarm
Mr48chevy, We have a place in The Dalles Oregon that will recore a radiator. He has the shop at his house out in a barn, it is an environmental disaster. there is probably 6" of lead solder all over the floor, but he does good work
I'll remember that. I've still got my old original 48 radiator that a friend recored with the core out of a 2 ton GMC years ago and two 1-1/2 ton Chevy radiators that look good but have been sitting around for years on end.
My radiator looks great except that the "Tig"? welding around the tank isn't what you think of as tig welded.
Recent reviews say some folks have had radiators that had the welds crack. That may or may not be because of bad welds but until I have a few thousand miles on it I am not going to recommend this brand for while.
My only issue with the Champion is that I personally don't like the looks of the tanks. That may not be an issue for others.
Bad thing for AD radiators of any kind is that I have seen so many trucks with the support missing the top bar or missing the bracing in front or the fender to firewall braces missing that the flex on the front end sheet metal may be putting undue stress on the radiator.