Originally Posted by Already Gone
Bringing thread back up. Just got my original AM Radio back after having it converted to AM/FM Bluetooth etc. There is a note from the builder, see picture, saying if I have the original AM telescoping antenna on my truck, and I do, that it should be replaced with a fixed AM/FM Antenna. so its been a couple years since anyone posted in thisthis thread so wondering if anyone in that time has come across and ideally a fix mast antenna that would replave the telescoping one on my truck.
I found my C10 AM with a high crown cap nut. I don't know where the mast came from. Word is these trucks came with high crown nuts with telescope masts, and low crown came with fixed masts. Personally I like the high crown with fixed mast, so I rebuilt the antenna as found adding a NOS fat ball fixed mast. That assembly was installed in 67 Corvettes.
Why wouldn't a fixed mast replacement install with your existing parts? Cosmetic? Unfortunately I don't have access to my truck for a pic.
Corvette replacement:
Truck replacement, it would seem. Perhaps it would look odd with the tall nut, hmm.