Thread: 47-59 Repop fender painting
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Old 03-20-2023, 04:38 PM   #8
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Re: Repop fender painting

While $1400 may sound like a lot of money, at $60 per parlor hour that is only 23 hours of work. Not as bad when you break it down that way. Still expensive yes, but an easier pill to swallow.

As said by Mr48Chev, be really careful leaving that factory applied primer that is on there. I know of a shop that bought one of those repop 69 Camaro bodies that came in the black "e coat" primer. They sanded and primed then finished the car. Fully finished and driving. Six months later little pin head blistered formed all over the car. When it was popped you could see small rust in the middle. They had to dismantle an entire running driving hot rod and strip it to bare metal and start all over again.

Same on the aftermarket hood I put on my daughters square body. When I sanded a small area there was micro rust under the primer. I stripped it and started as a new bare metal part.
1951 3100, Area51
1955 BelAir, 4EVER17
1987 R10, Ethel
Copper Hill Rod & Custom
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