Thread: 55.2-59 glovebox door adjustment
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Old 03-23-2023, 05:52 AM   #11
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Re: glovebox door adjustment

Originally Posted by dsraven View Post
wowzers, how did you fare, any skin missing? hopefully you aren't missing any truck parts. did you manage to clip the dude at all? like a reminder for him not to come back? they usually don't remember anyway, if they are on "mood enhancers".
I was a firefighter for a long time in Calgary and have dealt with lots of drug abusers. they have super human strength so best to convince them to leave, give then a route out without complications. I have seen where it takes several big burley coops and firefighters to keep a druggie down long enough to cuff them.
No never laid a hand on him just squared up and got him to go towards the front door. I really didnt know if he might have a knife or something . Doesnot look like any parts missing but the room he crashed into was full of parts, I could hear him tripping over fenders,bumpers, radiators , tailgaters and moaning as he kept falling. He went through that broken window 3 times with no shoes and never even got cut. He was high as a kite and talking to voices in his head. They charged him with 3 misdmeanors and 1 felony. No bail as of yet. Was easy for the cops to take him down he was a block away laying in the middle of the road
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