Originally Posted by JJH Jimmy
Are you sure the rubber fuel line for that sending unit is not kinked? I’ve had that problem before.
I thought i was sure.
Originally Posted by cadillac_al
I would be using my Mity Vac to see how much vacuum it takes to pull gas from that tank.
I did take that advice.
Ok, i took the tank out for the fourth time and hooked it up on the floor truck ran fine. Reinstalled it no fuel. I took my mighty vac and sucked on the 3/8 line at the transfer switch end no fuel. So i loosed the tank and dropped the rear just enough to feel a kink in the lines. So i cut about and 1 1/4 in off all of them and pushed it back up. OK FIXED!! I was about to pull it out of the shop and noticed my fuel gauge wasn't working.The wires were pinched between the frame and tank bracket so i loosened for the fifth time and got that took care of. While i was doing that i noticed gas spraying out of the 3/8 hose at the switch so i have to replace couple rubber hoses and i'm done.

Saying all that to say this thanks for the advice, i really feel stupid not catching such a simple thing.