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Old 04-14-2023, 03:48 PM   #7
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Re: 250 six banger- repair/replace, or?

if the 250 has never been rebuilt and has over 100k mi on it, it needs a rebuild. If you just pull the head to replace head gasket, at least lap valves and put in hardened exhaust seats. A compression test now might sway OP one way or the other pending results

I was offered $1k for my 250 with 3 speed and guy would do the labor to pull it as he wants to drop it into a project of his. It just runs so sweet I can't pull the trigger but if my 250 had the issues OP's has, I would just buy a SBC....or rebuild a 327 I took out of my 67 Camaro

If its just a cruiser, the 250 is fine.
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