Thread: 47-55.1 Long Time Coming......
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Old 04-16-2023, 09:47 AM   #205
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Re: Long Time Coming......

It is funny how sometimes when you go out into the shop with a plan, you have to pivot and do something different for one reason or another.

In order to do the final gaps on the truck I need to rebuild the hinges. So I went out yesterday with the intention of removing the passenger door and taking out the hinges and rebuilding them. I got the top one done without any issues. The bottom one fought me tooth and nail. No matter what I tried I just could not get the pin out of the hinge. That fight will live on for another day.

While the door was off and on a scissor stand though I decided to make the best of it. I made a small filler patch and then proceeded to weld up the hole for the door lock. With that made and fitted nice and tight I tacked it in place, then fully welded it. Then ground the welds smooth on the outside.

1951 3100, Area51
1955 BelAir, 4EVER17
1987 R10, Ethel
Copper Hill Rod & Custom
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