Thread: 47-55.1 55.1 S10 swap Gypsum
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Old 04-17-2023, 05:12 PM   #120
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Re: 55.1 S10 swap Gypsum

i guess i didnt take as many pictures as I thought but once you have the underdash bracket trimmed and set at the bottom of the dash, i use a pair of self tapping screws to hold it there and bolt the booster plate to the bracket, this will hold it in the correct position and you can tack the booster plate in place on the firewall.

next is the steering column, I used to cut the original lower closeout off the column and make something new to close up the hole but i found that the original closeout could be rotated to fit the firewall correctly. just grind the closeout at the weld until its free, then spin it up the column a bit after grinding the weld off.

then I move the column in about an inch, it doesnt sound like a lot but it makes a big difference, i drill new holes and put some 7/16" bolts in. I dont have a picture of it, I really remember taking one, but i will get one. the angle of the column is shallower (more horizontal) which is nice because that helps hide all the wiring and schmutz that hangs around on the original columns. it means you need a new hole though, i use a 3" hole saw and it helps to open the original column hole too if you have a shifter column. this picture is before screwing the lower closeout down.

more to come. the sun was really beating on the fourseasongarage™ today so i will get an early start tomorrow. the morning has been like most mornings lately, with kit stuff. Its harder and harder to keep things in stock but my welder (the guy and the new welder both) has really been kicking ass, I think he is down to 55min on kit welding. It takes me 2 hrs to do one! one more thing about the pedal. I get a lot of comments that its too high, in my experience its exactly right, the pedal falls right on the ball of my foot. one thing that makes it look high is there is no carpet or underlayment.
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