this thread, tmjlambert provided this:
Turn signal switch connector wire colors (dash wiring harness side):
white = from brake switch, has voltage if brake pressed
yellow = to left rear light, has constant voltage if brake pressed and if turn signal not in turning left position. has voltage flashing on and off if turn signal switch in turning left position.
green = to right rear light, has constant voltage if brake pressed and if turn signal not in turning right position. has voltage flashing on and off if turn signal switch in turning right position.
light blue = to left front turn signal light
dark blue = to right front turn signal light
purple = from turn flasher, has voltage flashing on and off if turn signal switch in turning right or left position.
brown = from hazard flasher
black = horn, horn button will ground this wire and cause horn relay to turn on
I tested each of these and found that I do have power coming from the pedal switch, but I do not have power going to yellow or green wires when I press the brake pedal. I do have blinking power on those wires with the turn signal, the turn signal lights do work.
So I would conclude this is a turn signal switch issue - power is going into the switch from the pedal but is not coming back out. Does that sound right?