Re: Starting issue
This is the most the truck has ran in forever. Each time I start it, it seems to do better and I can wait longer without an issue. Carb is just dirty?
This morning, first start up. Bowl was empty. Playing with throttle and no spray. Didn't want to start.
Started to loosen clamp on fuel line, started to drop immediately. Dripped from line and carb once I pulled it off. A little trickle for a sec from the line and I put it in top of carb. I figured there is no a tad bit of gas in the carb so let's try to start it. Started right up and I let it run a few minutes.
Turned it off. Clamped the line. Left for 45 min to an hour. Unclamped it and it started right up. Again ran it for a few minutes.
Left it again for about an hour. Without clamping the line. (Before it would empty in less than 30 min). Started right up.
In the next few hours I started it a time or two and let it run.
Seems to do better each time. Inside of carb looks dirty so I ordered a rebuild kit.