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Old 05-17-2023, 04:42 PM   #2
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Re: Torque converter Install, help needed

See if you can confirm the diameter of the hole in the converter match the OD of the spline of the input shaft. It's possible to get the wrong converter.

However, I am guessing you are getting the input shaft engaged. That would leave the pump stator that isn't engaging. The part on the transmission pump input that is stationary. Sometimes they will get a small ding in them. Look it over closely. If you have some magnification it is even better. You might be surprised how little of a defect it takes to hold this up.

That last part to engage is the pump drive tangs. It only goes in when the pump tangs line up with the notches on the end of the converter snout. They are 180 deg apart. Doesn't appear you are getting that far from your description.

Once in a while the pump bushing was incorrectly installed and it will hang on the bushing. Inspect with a flashlight, sometimes you can tell. This is the least likely issue.

Typically when the converter is all the way in you will not be able to get your finger between the converter and the pump. Of course the newer 4L60E can't be measured this way.
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