Thread: Memorial Day
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Old 06-02-2023, 09:54 PM   #18
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Re: Memorial Day

Originally Posted by zicc1835 View Post
thank you for taking that time to share ,now there was a true PATRIOT GOD BLESS AMERICA ...we once new... my father too was not allowed to enlist for he also had Rheumatic fever as a child so he went to work for Curtiss -Wright in Caldwell NJ building airplanes for the war effort
My Father had enlisted in the Illinois National Guard Field Artillery in 1939, when things looked bad in Europe. In 1940 he met my Mom -- who was to replace him at work while he did his 2 week summer deployment. They clicked. They got married, and he got out of the NG. [Enlisted personnel couldn't be married or something.] In early '42, he tried to enlist in the Marines, but an abdominal scar from an injury in infancy, looked too much like an incipient hernia to the examining Corpsman and he was rejected. 4-F. He worked for NBC Radio as an announcer and newsman, and was the neighborhood Civil Defence Warden.

Every 25 years I like to rebuild that 292, whether it needs it or not.
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