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Old 06-07-2023, 02:25 PM   #1106
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Re: Post your C/L - Facebook finds for everyone to enjoy!

That body is beyond rotted out. it would be a frame swap candidate as no doubt the frame looks worse than the body.

My issue with frame swaps is and always has been with the guys who buy a nice running truck with a really nice stock 3100 frame and rip the stock frame out to stick a worn out 300 K work truck chassis under it hoping to be one of the cool guys with an S-10 frame then they spend 1500 + on a kit to install it, spend 500 in rebuilding the worn out front end, spend another few hundred swapping the rear axle and half the time installing a4 link and bags. All because they think it is too hard to install a decent front suspension and rear suspension and axle under the original frame and end up with a far nicer truck.

I don't fuss about the guys who go out and buy a dead grain truck for the cab and scrap the big chassis and do a frame swap., That probably saved the cab from being hauled for scrap or rotting into the ground. A lot of those trucks got worked a couple of months a year for 20 or 30 years or until the engine blew up and then they got put out in the row with the rest of the dead and neglected equipment The farmer bought a newer bigger and more powerful truck to haul with. Those are prime frame swap cabs.
Founding member of the too many projects, too little time and money club.

My ongoing truck projects:
48 Chev 3100 that will run a 292 Six.
71 GMC 2500 that is getting a Cad 500 transplant.
77 C 30 dualie, 454, 4 speed with a 10 foot flatbed and hoist. It does the heavy work and hauls the projects around.
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