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Old 06-08-2023, 07:35 PM   #1
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Vent Window Issues

Boy has this been a headache. I was going to just replace all the seals and be done with it. A few people that do a lot of these C10s told me to just bite the bullet and get shiny chrome new ones. So I did. The 1st set I got leaked in a few different spots and it sounded like my window was down when I was on the highway. I took them back and they exchanged them for another set. I threw them in yesterday and haven't driven it yet, but these appear to be just as bad. I've tried a few different things, like filling the gap between the window and the door with silicone. I've also tried some thick double sided tape. It still sucks. What are you guys doing with these vent windows? I drive mine every day, so I'd like to be able to make a phone call while driving.

1965 Chevrolet C10
2016 Mercedes S550
1992 Mercedes 300TE

Last edited by Garagisti; 06-08-2023 at 08:23 PM.
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