Thread: USA1 Industries
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Old 06-15-2023, 05:32 PM   #46
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Re: USA1 Industries

Originally Posted by TKCR View Post
I was wanting to stay out of the argument. But I have say that your assuming all the wrong things about USA1. They collect the money in order to purchase all the supplies to fill these orders. They can't help it if their supplies are on backorder. They assume the same thing you do, that they purchase supplies and think they are going to get them by a certain time, and then they don't. That is out of their hands.
At any point and time, you may cancel your order and get your refund. Or you wait, just like the rest of us do. And once you get your product, you'll be glad you did. I will say this. If I were to ever have to order door panels again, because that is one item that seems to take the longest. I would gladly wait 2-3 years if I have to. That is how much they are worth the wait.
There are just some things that are out of their control. 98% of what I order from them, comes in a timely manner. In fact I just placed another order right before adding this post. It is frustrating to wait, I know that, there are a few items I'm waiting on as we speak also, but its worth the wait.
I do alittle side gig myself, you know that. And even I get impatient people. But you can't do anything unless you have the supplies to fill orders, and it takes money to buy those supplies. Which is what the order is that I just placed with them. Hang in there
I agree, but they need to stop lying! They can say from the beginning "Dear Bloodhound, our bad, we're really behind and hang in there, it'll be worth it!" They must know I'm on here whining about them here because I literally just received this email out of the blue. Don't worry, just another 12-16 weeks....I'm done whining, carry on.

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