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Old 06-19-2023, 07:22 PM   #1
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Posts: 18
Turn signal indicator in the dash blink opposite of the turn direction

If turn on headlights, or parking lights, the dash turn signal indicators light up, but they are real dim. If signal to turn right, the left dash arrow blinks, signal to go left, the right dash indicator blinks.

The actual blinkers are still flashing correctly. Checked grounds at the headlights, they all look good.

I did pull the dash and the bulb/socket for the temp gauge light is missing, but this problem is new in the last few weeks and I’ve owned the truck for a few years. Would that missing bulb cause this? It might have popped out and then fallen out the door without me noticing.

Thanks for any help, I suck at electrical so I appreciate it.
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