Thread: 55.2-59 Battery draining
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Old 06-22-2023, 08:58 PM   #27
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Re: Battery draining

So I was able to get back out there tonight. I have a -13.08 parasitic draw.

Started with the alternator. Disconnected the main wire, alternator to battery. nothing changed. Reconnected wire.

I disconnected the white (exciter) and the red (battery) wires and the draw went to -4.36. left them disconnected and disconnected the main wire again and the draw went to -0.07.

If I connect either the white or red wire again by itself the draw goes back to -13 again.

I do not have a diode on the white exciter wire. possibly the issue? from what I've read its supposed to allow the vehicle to be shut off, right? Something about stopping the current from traveling back. It does shut off normally.

ya'll have been great btw. I spend half my time frustrated and the other half happier than i pig in ....well you know. Is this normal?
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