Originally Posted by dsraven
Yes, and that was why I asked sorta the same questions. What alternator and what sort of ignition switch scenario.
Again, a pic says a thousand words.
Disconnect the alternator completely and look for any other draws with key off. Actually, with alt disconnected try what LG says and also disconnect your ignition switch plug in or, if dash mounted old fashioned key switch, pull the power wire off that and see if your draw goes away.
Are you running any relays? Have you checked them to ensure they turn off with key off? Do you have a fuse panel and if so have you checked the fuses to see if they are all non powered with the ignition off?
I don’t think I have any relays. There is a fuse panel. Its a painless wiring kit. Oem style ignition from LMC.
I don’t know how to check to see if the fuses are powered down with the key off. I’ll need to look into that. I believe there is a wire that goes between the battery and the fuse box directly. Wouldn’t that mean there would be some power to the fuse box all the time? A small amount at least