here is the manual for that harness
and the battery/charge section
So the red wire to alt will always be hot, but when the alternator is not running connecting it should not result in a current draw so test your alternator
The white wire should not be hot when the switch is off. Put MM or test light between white wire and ground.
1) unplug everything on the ign switch, if it is still hot pull the midi fuse between battery and fuse block, it should go dead. If it does not maybe there is a short between two positive wires between fuse box and battery.
2)If the voltage goes to zero with midi fuse pulled put it back, lets look at fuse panel:

The hazard flasher, horn relay and all the fuses in lower diagram (constant power) should be pulled one by one until the voltage goes away or you have them all pulled.
If you still have voltage on white wire start pulling everything else on the fuse panel until it is empty.
If you still have voltage with empty fuse panel there is a short in the panel or the main wiring harness. and maybe it is time to call painless
Hope this helps