Thread: She's home.
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Old 06-26-2023, 06:36 PM   #6
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Re: She's home.

Originally Posted by desert-rat View Post
A bit of TLC. Some changes. But nothing big. Runs good. Fires up. Speedometer is off by 10 MPH.
Unity Spotlights still support their product. They are in Chicago.
As for the speedometer reading low[?] -- tires are a different size than stock. If they are bigger, then the gauge reads slow. If smaller it will read faster than it really is.
Correction Boxes that connect to the Speedo cable and screw into the transmission used to be available from specialists. If Manual. Automatics required a small plastic gear wheel inside the tranny. Color-coded, I think.
Or get a GPS, and read that, at least whenever you see a cop.
With the big mirrors you can spot them easier when they try to sneak up you Six.

Every 25 years I like to rebuild that 292, whether it needs it or not.
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