Originally Posted by tutone
Weve been waiting for a dry string of days to por a dog pen.
11' x 21' in a nice shady spot under an old cedar. Today was the day. I finished it by hand laying in the front end loader bucket as it was setting up very fast. We got it though.
I'm beat.
Concrete in the heat, Once you start you ain't stoppin' till everything is done
Originally Posted by dieseldawg142
haven't done it yet, but will be later today once the stores open.
we been having a lot of forest fires lately and not unusual to smell smoke.
every morning i let the dawgs out for their bizness, and this morn (4:30 am) the smoke smell was pretty strong.
i noticed my dawgs running over behind my shed and acting stupid, so i go walk over there and see smoke and flames coming off my fence.
grabbed my hose and put it out....prob be around $300-350 for new panels and assorted lumber to fix.
guess i got lucky, my shed didn't catch and only a couple pieces of siding got all warped and melty.
best i can figure is some a-hole walking down the alley prob flicked a butt in the grass along side my fence.
Smoking is a thoughtless habit. Expect thoughtlessness.
"I didn't know the world is dry all over with fires being a big problem. I only know I needed to get rid of my cigarette butt"
"Well then snuff it out and go ahead and litter your fellow's property. Just don't burn it down!"