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Old 06-28-2023, 02:30 PM   #8
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Re: what size master cylinder bore

Originally Posted by Joyridin View Post
Most calipers have different screw sizes on the front versus the rear. I have no idea why. I have done quite a few rear drum to disk conversions and I never used a proportioning valve. The rear never locked up before the front in any of them and they all brake fine. As for the rear parking brake, they are not hard to adjust. You have to use the parking brake to adjust them accordingly. Most people think you can just throw them on, pump up the brakes, bleed them, and you are set. This is generally not the case as they have a ratchet mechanism in them that pushes the pad out for adjustment. The ratchet is activated off the emergency brake. They usually adjust themselves as the pad wears, but it is always helpful to pull the e-brake occasionally. I never use a Corvette master. Nothing wrong with them, but I never needed them. The extra fluid isn't really needed except during the initial bleeding process. After the brakes are all bled, you won't be emptying that reservoir unless you break a line, then it won't matter anyhow.

You won't push the master rod into the master with the lines hooked up and the system bled out. If it were that easy, you wouldn't need a power brake booster.
thanks for all your guys replies. Ill hold off on the master and the proportioning valve for now. Ill just try replacing the calipers for time being.

When I say the bleeder screw sizes didnt match up. the left and the right side calipers had different sized bleeder screws. I assumed one of the calipers was replaced at one time during the trucks life. I had issues bleeding one side of the front. I would barely crack the bleeder and the brake fluid would flow around the bleeder threads. i tried replacing the bleeder screw but it did the same thing. manual bleeding always produced bubbles. I put a goop of grease around the bleeders and tried to use a pneumatic bleeder to bleed the wheel. I think I may replace the caliper just to be sure its not leaking or introducing air when i bleed.

I think another problem is that I dont have the parking brake cable set up on the rear. Im trying to find an universal parking brake kit to operate the parking brake levers. So I might just throw on some cheap rockauto non parking brake calipers to see if it fixes the issue. If it does I can revisit the brake issue when I find a solution to the parking brake cables.
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