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Old 07-03-2023, 10:27 PM   #1
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Another possible heat soak thread

I've searched and read through a number of threads talking about the heat soak starter issue and nothing I've read is exactly what I'm experiencing so I'm looking for opinions.

My '67 has a 350 with stock exhaust manifolds. I had the engine rebuilt (stock rebuild) back in 2018 and that is when I installed new battery cables. When I drive for a decent amount of time (20 min) especially on a hot day and turn it off, it won't start. It doesn't crank, it doesn't do a thing. I turn the key and no clicking, no cranking, nothing.

This has happened ever since I bought the pickup in 2018. After a few times of it happening, I bought that heat blanket/shield wrap to go around the starter/solenoid. It seemed like it solved the issue, but then last year it did it again. The last time it did it was a couple weeks ago. This issue is why I dont hardly drive the pickup, since I dont want to be stranded somewhere or have to pay for a tow every time.

I've read on some heat soak threads where people have this issue, but the vehicle starts after maybe 5 min-30min or so. When I have this issue, it won't crank and/or start for over 16 hours.

Hopefully this is something easy. Any help would be appreciated. I just don't know where to start and dont want to just keep throwing money at it hoping.
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