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Old 07-08-2023, 12:13 AM   #7
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Re: 72 tilt column with 66 deluxe steering wheel questions

Here’s the pictures of my progress, I used a tilt column out of a GMC bus chassis that I got from a swap mee so I don’t know its exact application. I took pictures of it next to a 72 style truck tilt (out of a motorhome which is nearly identical to the real 72 tilt). The column i used is quite a bit shorter than the original ‘65 and even the motor home tilt. When I mounted the column up to the dash, the way the cast aluminum nose cone and the tilt mechanism lay out it’s really not much shorter than the factory steering column. The aluminum. Ode cone rests up against the dash panel and the added length for the tilt mechanism sticks out quite a ways, but being able to move the steering wheel up makes up for the added length. Which is really all I was after.
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1965 c/10 swb
1969 c/10 lwb
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