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Old 07-28-2023, 06:17 PM   #31
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Re: 6.0 ls rocker arms clatter

Originally Posted by Joyridin View Post
Where did you take the oil pressure reading? Was it down by the filter, or at the top of the engine where the factory had a sensor? I don't recall if the bypass on the pan is before or after the filter, but could you have something wrong with the pressure relief valve that is in the pan on some models and it is allowing the pressure to bleed back into the pan? This might give you a good reading at the bottom of the engine, but a low reading at the top.
when i first installed the 585 cam and started the truck the dash oil gauge showed no oil pressure then it would shoot up to 40 and go back down to zero i pulled a valve cover and seen it was pumping oil so i went and put a gauge on the oil cooler line at the oil filter it showed 50 psi had to replace the oil sender it still only reads less than 40 psi on the dash when i put in the new the ls7 lifters the oil psi only sets at 20 psi on the dash i have not checked with a gauge at the oil cooler again with the ls7 lifters i could never get them to remove the rocker arm lash i will pull the pressure releif valve in the oil pan and get a new one put in just to be sure
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