Thread: 55.2-59 Ol' Blue
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Old 08-02-2023, 01:33 AM   #12
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Re: Ol' Blue

Do some research on the MII with some questions to the actual companies, not the retailer. If you can contact them for tech support and get real answers in a timely fashion then put a check mark in that box
Instructions on what to do for prep prior to install of the cross member
DETAILED install instructions with dimensions and pics
Thickness of metal used for the cross member. Are there stabilizing/reinforcing brackets for the lower control arm pivot bolt reunion. Is that reunion a full length part of just at the front and rear of the cross member
Tubing used for control arms with wall thickness
Style and manufacturer of ball joints used, from what donor vehicle and are they sealed or do they have push on rubber boots that never really seal
Brake rotor size and caliper type. What vehicle do the parts come from
Spindle donor vehicle
Power steering rack, new or rebuilt and what is the donor vehicle as well as the pressure the system requires. Is there a p/s pump modification required. Do the parts for a p/s pump model come with the kit
Size and style of stabilizer bar and links. How does it connect up
Do the upper control arms mount up chevy style with shims to adjust or are they the older style T bolts
Do the instructions come with the angles that are expected for the control arms to be at when at ride height. Do they include the upper control arm mounting angle for proper antidote angle
Are there suggestions for what springs to use for different driveline weights
What are the expected ride heights with a normal kit spindle vs a drop spindle.
Is there a suggested tire diameter and wheel offset to go with the alignment specs given and also to match those numbers up to scrub angle etc
Just off the top of my head this is what I would ask.
There are also bolt in Kits available
The most forgiving kit is the one that allows the most adjustment. It's also the one that has the most spots to break or wear out I suppose
I suggest to do some research on how independent front suspension works. What all the terms are. What all the angles mean and how they affect each other. Steering axis inclination, scrub radius, bump steer, Ackerman angle, wheel offset, tire diameter, inner tie rod pivot point importance in steering geometry, etc. A manufacturer who will give a diagram of their suspension showing dimensions and angles etc would score very high on my list. One who says "it's all engineered to work for your truck right outta the box" would be close to the bottom of my list.
My 57 had a brand name kit. It was mislabeled or boxed wrong I believe. Anyway, long story short, the retailer wasn't much help and the manufacturer had no answers either except to say weld it is like the instructions say and it will be ok.
I am a lic'd mechanic and know if I had done that it would not have been ok.
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