Thread: Antenna wire
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Old 08-05-2023, 04:40 PM   #1
don t. - 72gmc
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Antenna wire

R&R of my broken antenna mast.
Pulled wiper arms. Removed screws/bolt, pulled cowl.
There is a blob of pucky where the cable enters on pass side. Fine.

I had planned to pull cable outta the back of the AM radio. Tape a piece of 12ga wire to it as a fish. Pull old cable from pass side.

I have factory AC. I can't see the radio when I look under the dash. My hand/arm wont fit in any of the crevices vary far.

Pulled the ash tray. I can see the radio but still not enough room for a hand.

I've done this before on older Chevy cars but there was room to stick a hand up there and use my seeing fingers.

I've tried removing some of the fabric duct work but didn't want to torque on it for fear of tearing it.

What am I missing?

Thanks much...Don.
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