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Old 08-15-2004, 08:05 PM   #2
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Location: Grand Rapids, Michigan
Posts: 194
truck pics

For some reason the pics don't want to upload. You can email me at and I will email you pics of the truck.

I also have some parts for sale.

1. 3-core radiator for 67-72 truck, excellent cond. asking $100 obo. + shipping

2. 60-72 chevrolet tailgate, just a couple of small spots of surface rust, no major rust or dents, asking $75 + shipping.

3. Late model Chevrolet Steering Wheel, $40 shipped to your door.

4. Late 70's Chevrolet Steering Wheel, $35 shipped to your door.

5. 73-87 Chevy/GMC BBC engine towers, will fit 67-72 with a spacer on top of the top frame rail, $75 shipped to your door.
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