Thread: 47-55.1 Long Time Coming......
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Old 08-22-2023, 07:37 AM   #290
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Location: Conn.
Posts: 187
Re: Long Time Coming......

Still working away on the running board. This time the fitment to the front fender. I have always wondered why the factory didn't connect the leading edge of the running board to the fender and instead thought this huge gap looked right. Most other year body styles and manufacturers connected the dots. So me being me decided I wanted to make them connect.

As it fit before I started...

I then cut a slice on the leading edge of the board and pulled it forward until it touched the fender. I also drilled a hole and bolted them together but used a washer in between to create a slight gap. I also welded on a piece to extend the area some.

I decided this would be much easier to do if I made the filler pieces in multiple steps.

At that point ai took the running board off the truck and put it on my welding table. I made the remailning filler pieces and welded everything solid. I wish now that i took some pics at this point, but I got so wrapped up in what I was doing i forgot.

This is now bolted back in place with all the welds ground. This is just roughed in and still needs some finesse work, but you get the idea.

Time for this job, 3.6hrs
New subtotal, 510.77 hrs
At $50 per hour, that would be $25,538.33

1951 3100, Area51
1955 BelAir, 4EVER17
1987 R10, Ethel
Copper Hill Rod & Custom
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